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http://www.kman.me/bc-ad-bce-ce |
Dates of history have always been measured with regards to the BC/AD (Before Christ/After Christ) demarcation point.
But since the modern rise of secularism, atheists have sought to eliminate all evidence of the West’s Christian heritage, and as such they are advocating the elimination of the religious reference in BC/AD by changing it to BCE/CE (Before Common Era/Common Era).
This is just another in the long line of secular driven 'sanitizations' of what culture is left of the Western world.
But why bother changing BC/AD to BCE/CE for the ostensible ‘secular reason’ when the religious event of the birth of Christ is still kept as the arbiter between BCE and CE anyway?
The traditional BC/AD 'system' is at worst just a nostalgic cultural tradition that still functions perfectly well. I do not see any reason to replace it. In fact, I think it would be a damn shame to see it fade into disuse simply because of the arrogant intolerance of a small atheist minority.
The traditional dating labels are a beautiful remnant of our undeniable Christian heritage.
Of course in isolation this is a trivial point. But this habit of capitulating to aggressive secularism is becoming far too common and extensive. Christianity has given far too much ground to the secularists.
It seems as though they want to cleanse the Western world of all things religious for no apparent reason. They would probably replace the 24-hour time system too if it was found to be rooted in religion!
The loss of the BC/AD label would be just as mournful as the loss of any building or monument of our heritage.
The thing that makes the Western world so interesting is these remnants of it’s past. Things like the BC/AD labels and the Latin roots of our language. How boring would this world be if it is force to conform to some bland and mundane style of clinical secularism? Quite boring I would think.
It seems to be nothing more than a pitiful ploy to deny our own Christian heritage.
This type of juvenile behaviour is reminiscent of the insecure machinations of teenagers who, when reaching the start of adolescence, go through a final stage of immaturity of rejecting their family as embarrassing and even shameful.
In disavowing their origins, many teenagers try desperately to forge a new, separate and unique identity, purging all that is familiar. Only to find that in the years to follow, that their family, while certainly containing objectionable aspects, really isn’t that bad, and is actually something to be quite proud of.
The same is true of the Christian origins of Western culture. While there are certainly aspects that we are to be ashamed of, by and large this Christian heritage is a beautiful and rich period of our past. And once the societies in the Western world mature past its current stage of cultural adolescence, we will certainly look back at our religious roots and acknowledge the rich role that Christianity has played in the formation of who we are.
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